For Dr. Weizeld and Comrade Net: The BUNDIST MOVEMENT
Written by Black Minister 13
The Bundist Movements; classical, demarchist, maoist and anarchist are under the care of Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net with Corporal Kat. Their Rabbi is a Non-Zionist/Non-Bundist Jewish Modern Orthodox Rabbi. These four Jewry have a connection in Samaritan, and Judean cultural, religious and religious rights. Non-Religious, Pro-Religious.
The Jewish Socialist Bund is the name for all Units and Chapters.
The Bundist Movement is the Bundists working in real life to make the goals of the Jewish Socialist Bund more united and still more autonomous. The Jewish Lumpen Family Vanguard written by their News Messages for Palestine and the Jewish Diaspora. Native American and First Nations with Mexica Nationals Worldwide.
This is the Bundist Movement.
Anti-Zionist and Jewish Liberation Theory . . .
led by Net and Eibieman.
Hashem be with you both...
All Power to the Jewish Diasporas of Europe, Sephard, Mizrah, Ashkenaz, Afram and Al Quds
love in power
Comrade Black Minister 13 a Jewish Black Communist.
1. THE BUNDIST MOVEMENT will protect the theories of Classical Bundism, Bundism in the Demarchist Context, Maoism-Bundism and Anarcho Bundism.
2. Top Priority of the Bundist Movement is protecting Revolutionary Orthodox Judaism and Revolutionary Judaism. In the theory of the Bundist Movement this Jewish Renewal with Bundist Ideological Methodology with adopts Maoism-Third Worldism in Unity-Struggle-Unity.
3. Outreach and the Diaspora of Jewish Europeans have rights in the Jewish Oblast to for a Jewish Inter-National Bund but also wishing for Al Andalusian Jewish centers in Spain too. And Jerusalem Civil Society assured autonomy from Palestine, Israel and Jordan. Al Quds the Third Temple on Zion is Anti-Zionist as a Temple. Jerusalem is an Inter-National Zone.
this is about outreach from the followers of the martyred Bund Council Staff.
The Bundist Movement is the set of thearies which Panther C.O.D.E and many Queer and Trans Anarchists are dyimg for. The Bundist Movement is the Jewish Pantherite and Antifa Press.
The JPLO and the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement are historical but the Bundist Unit (the Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard of PSFM) is in partnership with the Jewish Peoples' Liberation Organization for Jewish Diaspora and Jewish Palestinian call for the JPLO to partner with them in the Jewish Socialist Bund which must help build up the Jewish Black Panther Bund for Black Jewry, the Jewish Rebel Federation of Justice for Queer Jewish Anarcho Bundists, the Jewish Liberation Action Front which is a Pro-Neturei Karta Jewish Renewal Jerusalem Bund which forced Comrade Net to write for twice now. The JPLO holds both classical Bundism and Jewish Demarchism and is family to PSFM.
Al Quds the Third Temple on Zion is Anti-Zionist as a Temple.
But also Kushafra believes that Samaritans build a new Temple on Mount Gezerim.
Chairman Eibieman and Cleric Net protected this for 10 years. BUNDIST MOVEMENT!
All Power To The People! Never Again!
Uniting; Yiddish, Ladino, Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic with Yiddish-Russian-Polish-Ladino Arabic Egyptian Urban Diaspora Scholar Academy with Net and Eibiam provide the World for us Jewry.
Loz mir alle leiben stinynim mit sychel, shytvis un shulim. In Solidarity with our United Front of federated movements in the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence.