The Odds Are We Will Not Survive

 By Comrade Net. 

This is not an alarmist piece. This is not a sympathy article. This is not an attempt to create disillusionment among the Jewish Diaspora. This is my small insignificant attempt to bring the Jewish People to the realization that we have to let go of our addictive poison. The poison I speak of is the poison of Nonviolence. Before anyone reading this gets the wrong idea let be jump ahead of you. I do not denounce the tactic of Nonviolence. What I denounce is the philosophy of Nonviolence. Nonviolence as a philosophy is best described by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.

Nonviolence is a love-centered way of thinking, speaking, acting, and engaging that leads to personal, cultural and societal transformation.”

I really don't care who this offends. Malcolm X was better, and Dr. King's philosophy sounds like the philosophy of a battered woman attempting to explain to her rescuers that her boyfriend did not mean to hit her and that deep down he really is a good man. Today within the United States of America almost any Centrist will bash you verbally if you don't adopt their language of absolute neutrality. These very same Centrists are always complaining about how much they wish that Gaza was Nonviolent. They will go on and on about how inexcusable Hamas is. They will champion the I.D.F. while giving vaguely empty words of criticism of the I.D.F. because of what ever else they did this last week. This is only when it can not be denied that the I.D.F. is doing something against the U.N's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The reason this neutrality does not seem so neutral is because this isn't neutrality. This is not to say that the inexcusable Centrists within the United States are incapable of absolute neutrality. Which is also inexcusable. The State of Israel and the Palestinian Country which was there long before 1948 have never been equals in firepower. The State of Israel is a Settler Colonial Project. The Occupied Country of Palestine is the Native Holy Land having a very special importance to Jewry, Christians and Muslims alike. Dr. Weizfeld has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that the State of Israel is the Victimizer and Palestine is the Victim. This has a lot to do with his current plight. He was not politically attacked by the Zionist bureaucrats within Canada for any other reason than Dr. Weizfeld was the first Jewish Activist to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that the State of Israel attacks Jewry too not just Palestinians. Dr. Weizfeld is kinda like the Kryptonite which is lethal to Zionism in so many ways it would take me two weeks with very little sleep for me to write out just one of these Blog Posts giving you THE GREAT EPIC OF EIBIEMAN. Which I might actually end of doing, depending on whether or not I find time to do so.

If you could read through all of that without me boring you to death, then you must really be interested in finding out the purpose of writing something with the title The Odds Are We Will Not Survive.

The truth is that if the Palestinians are totally destroyed then Judaism is still most likely going to be blamed for the Fascism of the Zionist Ideology. The reason being is that no one wants to indict Western Christianity, Westernism and Whiteness. We are still trying to explain to the World the difference between Jewish and Zionist. More than that. We are still trying to explain to many so-called Communist Comrades that Zionism is just as much of a threat to Jewry, as the threat it is to Palestinians. I oppose Jewish Supremacy, I do, I really do. Now that I have made that clear a correction must be made, Zionism is not Jewish Supremacy. Zionism is White Supremacy. If I or anyone else Jewish attempts to force you to convert to Judaism, this is what is defined as Jewish Supremacy. If a Jewish State was to be made without occupying anyone, this is also Jewish Supremacy. I can give more details about that some other day. Right now I am going to give a warning to the Jewish Nation. Most of the World still thinks of us as an Ethnic group, despite the fact that such a belief is an aspect of Antisemitism. Nations exist both with Homeland and Diaspora. National Homelands exist. Nomadic Nations also exist. The Jewish Nation has always been a Diaspora Nation. We never had a Homeland. We used to be the Custodians of what we recognize as the Holy Land. This was widely known before the Holocaust. No one. Not the Arabs Worldwide. Not the Muslims. Not the Christians. Not the Africans. Not the Asians. Not the Persian Peoples. Not even the Palestinians recognized the threat which Zionism posed. World Jewry did. We were desperately attempting to alert people to the threat of Zionism before during and after the Holocaust. It will not surprise you as I say that the second ones to recognize the threat of Zionism was the Palestinians. This was realized by Palestinians en masse in 1947. Some of the Palestinians on a more individual level understood the threat of Zionism, but the Palestinians as an entire People only realized this in 1947. So why then did the majority of Europeans support the Zionist Project? The answer is Secularism. Secularism is an Ideology. Secular reasoning, secular schooling, secular judiciaries and secular judgments between conflicting subcultures founded on ethics is not Secularism. First and Foremost recognize that Secularism itself is not secular. Just as Fundamentalism is selective not fundamental. Just as, there is no Zion in Zionism. Secularism is not secular. Secularism is Capitalist Culture, it is not secular. There are two kinds of Secularists. There are the Anti-Religion Secularists. Then there are the Inclusive Secularists. The Anti-Religion Secularists tend to be New Atheists. New Atheists are as most should know by now, Pro-Colonial Radical Liberals. This is also why Anti-Religion Secularists are not as much of a threat as the Inclusive Secularists. The United States of America is founded upon Inclusive Secularism. Inclusive Secularism in every Country where it exists as the cultural status quo is always dominated by whatever Religious group is holding majoritarian privilege. Democracy requires both Interfaith and Religionism to work. Opposition to Religionism equals Messianic Jews for Jesus. Opposition to Interfaith equals Supremacy. This is one of the most important aspects of Demarchist theory. What I am telling you is not even theory though. It just so happens that Demarchism highlights what I am explaining. The safest place for an Atheist is not a Secularist Culture. Never has Secularism protected the rights of an Atheist. It is Interfaith Democracy which does that. I realize that some individuals may wish to carry on how repressed and traumatized they are by religious life. But what about those of us who have been traumatized by Secularism? Oh I forgot, we are making it up, right? I am still berated and ridiculed in public when I say to those newly acquainted to me “I will not gamble” or “I will die for my Religion if it comes to that” you should see the bigoted looks and snares I get. This brings us to another point I have openly said more than once. The Poster Boys of Secularism were the Early Zionists. It was this very Secularism which the newly formed United Nations felt so much more comfortable with than, oh I don't know, the Orthodox Jewish Rabbis Worldwide! The Zionists may have been born of Jewish Mothers but they were not raised Jewish at all. Two generations removed from Jewish practice for no other reason than wishing to be part of Colonial Culture because of how traumatized a Religion made their Bubby (yiddish for grandmother), is not Jewish at all. But this fact is too often derailed from conversation with non sequitur statements such as “Religious Zionism proves that you are wrong” despite the fact that Religious Zionism is still Secularism. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is an aberration of Christianity. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)/Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is an aberration of Islam. Rebbe Moshe Teitelbaum is considered by most Satmarers to be an aberration of Satmar teaching completely overturning the charity work of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum. But some of them in Satmar would go further and even claim that the followers of the Rebbe Moshe Teitelbaum represent an aberration of Judaism. But as for Zionism it was founded outside of the Jewish Community and it is pure Secularism having no basis in Jewish Religion or Jewish Culture. The current Netanyahu Government is not in anyway an aberration of Zionism. Dr. Weizfeld is not the only one to say this, nor did he teach such an idea to me. Rather we both see it this way. Because this is the truth. Today I met yet another bigot promoting the antisemitic four part Netflix Series Unorthodox as a way to discredit Satmar. I am so sick of this bullshit. Secularism kills, it is just part of Capitalism. Secularism is one of the main reasons why the Communists could not win the Cold War. It had nothing to do with the Capitalists having better technology, that claim has been discredited many times. Communists brought about a Socialist Economy with a Capitalist Culture. To put it another way, Communists don't understand that Secularism is Capitalist Culture. Secularists hate Judaism because it is about what we do way more than about what we assume. The mere fact that media like Democracy Now! calls the Netanyahu Government an Ultra-Orthodox Government when the Ultra-Orthodox are actually Anti-Zionist by default, is alarming to so many of us. The correct description for the Netanyahu Government is Kahanist Government. Zionism is both Anti-Religion Secularism and Inclusive Secularism. This is because Zionism is the truest kind of Secularism there is, so much so that it can be any version of Secularism it wants to be at any time. The likelihood that Judaism will be blamed for the destruction of Palestine is very high. The likelihood that we will not be able to save Palestine is even higher. The only way to stop this guarantee is for us to collectively take up Arms to protect Gaza and the West Bank. Will the United States falsely label us Terrorists? They already do whether this is public or not. We must also be willing to defend Neturei Karta with our lives, despite the part that they may not like that. I am a Sephardi, we did not have to keep our heads down as Ashkenazim had been traditionally taught. Nor had we been wedded to Nonviolence as most of the Orthodox Ashkenazim had been. This does not mean that we had been Soldiers or Warriors, no. It means that we were Nonaggressive. The words Nonviolence and Nonaggressive did not exist in the Middle Ages. As I mentioned from the start, this is just my small insignificant attempt to bring the Jewish People to the realization that we have to let go of our addictive poison. This Stockholm Syndrome Ideology known as Nonviolence is the Poison of both Jewry and Palestinians. The Oslo Scam did not allow for Palestinians to have the type of firepower which the Zionists had then and still have now. I will be getting into heavy detail soon. But for now, I just figured I would say that I stand with Palestine. It is highly unlikely that the Holocaust carried out on Gaza will end at all. It is highly unlikely that Judaism will be distinguished as different than Zionism. No one will know that it was us, Jewish People, who stood against Zionism before anyone. I am not a Defeatist. I am just truthful. I want this Blog Post to spread. But I don't think it will. Heck if anything this warning I am giving is likely to be labeled dangerous and in some way extremist.


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